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MilkDrop preset | 2003-09-30 | 4.6 KB | 158 lines
[preset00] fRating=3 fGammaAdj=1.21 fDecay=1 fVideoEchoZoom=1.006596 fVideoEchoAlpha=0 nVideoEchoOrientation=3 nWaveMode=3 bAdditiveWaves=0 bWaveDots=1 bWaveThick=1 bModWaveAlphaByVolume=0 bMaximizeWaveColor=0 bTexWrap=0 bDarkenCenter=0 bRedBlueStereo=0 bBrighten=0 bDarken=1 bSolarize=0 bInvert=0 fWaveAlpha=9.08852 fWaveScale=0.4995 fWaveSmoothing=0 fWaveParam=1 fModWaveAlphaStart=0.71 fModWaveAlphaEnd=1.3 fWarpAnimSpeed=1 fWarpScale=1.331 fZoomExponent=1 fShader=0 zoom=0.999514 rot=0 cx=0.5 cy=0.5 dx=0 dy=0 warp=0.01 sx=1 sy=1 wave_r=0.99 wave_g=0 wave_b=0 wave_x=0.5 wave_y=0.5 ob_size=0.005 ob_r=0.3 ob_g=0 ob_b=0.5 ob_a=0 ib_size=0.26 ib_r=0.25 ib_g=0.25 ib_b=0.25 ib_a=0 nMotionVectorsX=64 nMotionVectorsY=2.759997 mv_dx=0 mv_dy=-0.62 mv_l=5 mv_r=0 mv_g=1 mv_b=1 mv_a=0.4 per_frame_1=// Hello, per_frame_2= per_frame_3=// My beat detection algorithm had the aim of being able to detect and pickup a reliable beat throughout a song. This has creative possibilities of being able to PREDICT coming beats, and to have things lasting for (say) half a beat, etc. It still requires work, but I think I have made progress per_frame_4=// I emplore you to have a look over it and try to underdstand it. Help me out here - I think it could be reallly good per_frame_5= per_frame_6=//Telek Sterling =:-) per_frame_7=//Dilettante Extrodinaire per_frame_8= per_frame_9= per_frame_10=//rt = realtime (for use with beat count) per_frame_11=rt=time-start; per_frame_12= per_frame_13=//color cycling, yellow dynamic treble per_frame_14=wave_g = max(0,min(1,.25*sin(time*10)+treb/2)); per_frame_15=wave_x = cos(time*2.12)*.33+.5; per_frame_16=wave_y = sin(time*1.5)*.13+.3; per_frame_17= per_frame_18=//initialisation bug patch per_frame_19=beatrate = if(below(beatcount,2),.1,beatrate); per_frame_20= per_frame_21=//beat = if(longer that 10 sec,1,above(bass, decaying threshold)*(can't be less that .4 of last beat length) per_frame_22=beat =if(above(rt-lastbeat,10),1, above(bass,1.6+.2*(lastbeat-rt)/beatrate)* above((rt-lastbeat)/beatrate,max(.4,.95-abs(accuracy*2)))); per_frame_23= per_frame_24=//Testing auto-beat trigger... exciting stuff. per_frame_25=beat = if(beat,1, if(below(abs(accuracy),0.1)*below((lastbeat-rt)/beatrate,-1),1,0)); per_frame_26= per_frame_27=//Comparison of last beat duration to current. Best value is 0. -1 and 5 are pretty bad per_frame_28=accuracy =if(beat,(rt-nextbeat)/beatrate,accuracy); per_frame_29= per_frame_30=beatcount = beatcount + beat; per_frame_31= per_frame_32=w_a = if(beat,1,w_a*0); per_frame_33=wave_a = w_a; // I can't actually change this, can I..... Oh well, it's here now per_frame_34= per_frame_35=//Preserve beat rate per_frame_36=l_beatrate=if(beat,beatrate, l_beatrate); per_frame_37=//Record new beatrate per_frame_38=beatrate = if(beat,rt-lastbeat,beatrate); per_frame_39= per_frame_40=//Record most recent beat per_frame_41=lastbeat=if(beat,rt,lastbeat); per_frame_42=//Predict time of next beat per_frame_43=nextbeat=if(beat,rt+beatrate,nextbeat); per_frame_44= per_frame_45= per_frame_46= per_frame_47= per_frame_48=//Actual Display code: per_frame_49= per_frame_50=//Current direction of travel per_frame_51=state = beat * (state+1)%4+(1-beat)*state; per_frame_52= per_frame_53=//acceleration of horizon point per_frame_54=dddy = state%2-.5; per_frame_55=dddx = above(state,1.5)-.5; per_frame_56= per_frame_57=//adjustment factors to play with per_frame_58=ddx = dddx*.5; per_frame_59=ddy = dddy*.5; per_frame_60= per_frame_61= per_frame_62=q1 = (qq1*19+ddx)*.041; per_frame_63=//preserve q variables per_frame_64=qq1 = q1; per_frame_65= per_frame_66=q2 = (qq2*19+ddy)*.035; per_frame_67=qq2 = q2; per_frame_68= per_frame_69=//Decay to Blue!! per_frame_70=ob_a = 0.1*above(frame%10,6); per_frame_71= per_frame_72= per_frame_73= per_frame_74= per_frame_75=//Well, what do we want to monitor?? per_frame_76= per_frame_77=//monitor = q1; per_frame_78=//monitor = beat; per_frame_79=//monitor = 1.6+.2*(lastbeat-rt)/beatrate; per_frame_80=monitor = (rt-lastbeat)/beatrate; per_frame_81=//monitor = accuracy; per_frame_82=//monitor = max(.4,.95-abs(accuracy*2)); per_frame_83=//monitor = wave_a; per_frame_84=//monitor = wave_g; per_frame_85=//qwer = accuracy + if(below(abs(accuracy),0.1)*above((lastbeat-rt)/beatrate,1),1,0)*1000; per_frame_86=//monitor = qwer; per_frame_87=//monitor = (lastbeat-rt)/beatrate; per_pixel_1=dx = sin(.5-x)*.1+q1; per_pixel_2=dy = sin(.5-y)*.1+q2; per_frame_init_1=ddx = 0; per_frame_init_2=ddy = 0; per_frame_init_3=start = time; per_frame_init_4=rt = 0; per_frame_init_5=beatcount = 0;